Prayer Life Ministries

Blue Army (World Apostolate of Fatima)

Contact: Marie Reilly 732-968-5555

Consoling the Heart of Mary

All are invited to a weekly hour of prayer entitled “Consoling the Heart of Mary” held every Friday evening 7:00-8:00pm at the Parish Center. During the hour you will meditate on the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary and pray together the Chaplet of Our Lady of Sorrow, lifting up in prayer your personal intentions and those of others.

Divine Mercy Conference

Contact: Max Gutierrez 732-925-7788

Eucharistic Guardian Society

Our Blessed Sacrament Chapel offer individuals the opportunity to spend some quiet and prayerful time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Chapel is located in the Parish Center at 50 Van Winkle Place and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except during inclement weather).

Eucharistic Guardian Society Members, known as "Eucharistic Guardians", commit themselves to an hour of silent prayer each week in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. They make Perpetual Adoration possible by assuring that Jesus is never left alone.

Contact: Gerry Aboyme 732-266-4145

Hispanic Rosary Society

Join us for the Rosary in Spanish on Fridays at 7:30pm in the St. Joseph Cottolengo Room.

Contact: Luz Lopez 732-598-7528

Holy Hour for the Dying

Wednesday evening 8:00-9:00pm in the St. Joseph Cottolengo Room
Contact: Michael Dolan 732-718-3553

Thursday afternoon 3:00-4:00pm in the church
Contact: Rosemarie O’Brien 908-753-7486

Holy Trinity Charismatic Prayer Group

Members gather every Friday evening to worship God in prayer and song and to support each other in the living out of the Faith.

Contact: Cesar Jose 732-968-7882

Our Lady of Fatima Traveling Statue

Contact: Kathy Skiba 732-885-9375

Our Lady of Guadalupe Traveling Image

Contact: Ming Estrada 732-261-1316

Rosary Apostolate

Individuals who lead the Rosary after Mass will be known as members of the Rosary Apostolate. Individuals and families are invited to join this apostolate to pray and lead the Holy Rosary immediately following Holy Mass on Sundays. The goal of this apostolate is for individuals and families to grow closer to our Lord Jesus through devotion to our Blessed Mother. If you are willing to be one of the two people to lead the Rosary after Sunday Mass and become a member of this new apostolate, please contact Cathy Culpepper at 732-895-2388.

Rosary Society

An organization of parish women dedicated to promoting among its members a deeper commitment to a life of prayer, charity and social interaction. Members support various parish activities throughout the year.

Mary has said, "I have obtained from my Son that all the members of the Rosary Confraternity shall have in life and in death all the Blessed as their associates."

Here is a powerful bond of spiritual communion to help us daily, give us courage in the hour of death, liberate us from purgatory after death, and deepen our relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary. In addition, we gain these benefits: A sharing in the thousands of members’ prayers, Partial and certain plenary indulgences, Benefit from the prayers & good works of the friars, nuns, sisters and laity of the Dominican order.

Each Rosarian prays 15 mysteries of the Rosary each week (This is not bound under the pain of sin.). As we pray the rosary we unite our prayers with other members.

Rosarians attend the 9:00am Mass together every First Sunday and recite the Rosary after Mass.

Contact: Jean DeLillo 732-968-6429

The Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary


The Rosary Confraternity is an International Spiritual Association of Catholics who strive to pray the traditional fifteen decades of the Rosary every week for the purpose of giving praise and honor to the Blessed Virgin Mary and obtaining, through her intercession, spiritual benefits for all its members. When reciting the Holy Rosary, every member includes in their own prayers, the intentions of all the living and deceased members of the Confraternity.

To join the Confraternity, one must be a baptized Catholic who personally chooses to undertake the obligations of membership in a spirit of genuine devotion. There are no membership fees and no meetings to attend. Only the commitment to pray and recite the Holy Rosary.

Those who already pray the fifteen Mysteries every week would do well to enroll in the Confraternity to gain additional spiritual benefits. Such individuals would not be required to pray additional Rosaries to fulfill their membership obligation.


Members of the Confraternity enjoy the following spiritual benefits:

  1. The intercession and special protection of the Most Holy Mother of God;
  2. A share during life, at the time of death, and after death, in all the good works and prayers of the countless members of the Confraternity;
  3. A share in the prayers, Masses, and apostolic works of the entire Order of Preachers – The Dominican Fathers, Brothers, Contemplative Nuns, Sisters and Laity (Secular Dominicans);
  4. An immense treasure of indulgences.


Members of the Confraternity are expected to fulfill the following:

  1. Pray fifteen decades of the Rosary each week, meditating on the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries.
  2. Each member is required to pray for the needs of all the living and deceased members of the Confraternity.
  3. Each member must be officially enrolled in the Confraternity by having his/her name inscribed in the Confraternity’s Register.


Membership in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary is open to both men and women.

To become a member, one must be a Roman Catholic, understand and accept the obligations of membership and personally choose to enroll in the Confraternity. For this reason, a deceased person may not be enrolled.

Contact: Sue Ellen Bibby