Altar Servers

Assist the priest during the celebration of Holy Mass and other liturgical events. This ministry is open to parishioners in Grades 4-12.

Are you interested in this wonderful ministry? Download and complete the APPLICATION and return it to the parish office or email it to

Altar Servers (Youth)
Contact: Mario Fabella 848-219-5911

Altar Servers (Adult Men)
Contact: Al Tuttle 732-648-5188


Lead the congregation in the prayerful singing of sacred and religious music at Mass and other liturgical functions.

Sing for one or two Masses per month
Rehearse as needed.

Contact: Jean Lyons,, 732-642-6747 (cell)


Children's Choir (Grades 3-8)
The mission of Children's Choir is to enhance the praise of God through music, and enable worshipers to lift minds and hearts to God through music and help them to draw closer to Him. Children should have a pleasant singing voice, and a desire to praise God in song. Accepting students from grades 3 through 8.

Rehearses Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15pm, begins September 17.
Sings for 9:00am Mass on 2 Sundays per month, October to mid-June

Contact: Joanne Mild,, 732-844-6001 (cell)

Youth Choir (High School students)
Contemporary Music
Sings for the 5:00pm Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. We welcome new members 8th grade - high school. Rehearsals are as needed.

Contact: Binky Idioma,, 732-688-0355

Adult Choir
Leads the congregation in the prayerful singing of sacred and religious music on Sundays at the 11:00am Mass. New members are most welcome.

Rehearses Thursdays, 7:30-8:30pm, begins September 12.
Sings for 11:00am Mass on Sunday, October to June

Contact: Jean Lyons,, 732-642-6747 (cell)


Contact: Jean Lyons,, 732-642-6747 (cell)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Assist the clergy with the distribution of Holy Communion during the celebration of Holy Mass. They also bring the Holy Eucharist to the homebound and those in hospitals and nursing homes. Extraordinary Ministers are appointed to a three-year term by the Bishop of Metuchen at the recommendation of the Pastor.

Contact: Arlene Sroczynski, 732-563-0449


Assist at Holy Mass by proclaiming the Word of God and, in the absence of a deacon, reading the General Intercessions.

Contact: Pat Jacob,

Sacristans (Sextons)

Set-up the sanctuary and prepare the sacred vessels for the celebration of Holy Mass. They coordinate the liturgical ministers at Mass and give them any special instructions from the celebrant and/or pastor.

Contact: Deacon Bill Rider, 732-968-5555 ext. 113


Serve the parish by warmly welcoming parishioners and visitors to our church. They help seat the congregation, collect the monetary offerings, facilitate the presentation of the gifts, and guide the flow of the people during the reception of Holy Communion and they assist with the distribution of the parish bulletin at the end of Mass.

Contact: Al Tuttle, 732-648-5188