National Eucharistic Revival

National Eucharistic Congress

Registration is now open for the National Eucharistic Congress! At the National Eucharistic Congress, the Church will draw into a deeper intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord, allowing our eyes to be opened and our hearts to be set on fire with his love.

This historic five-day gathering (July 17-21, 2024) will be an experience of prayer: a liturgical act offering the Catholic Church – those in attendance in Indianapolis as well as across the country – to the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit. This reconsecration will result in a massive outpouring of grace and renewed missionary sending as participants are moved to share the Eucharistic love of the Lord “for the life of the world” (John 6:51).

This is a pivotal moment in both American history and the legacy of the Catholic Church. (It is the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years!) Tens of thousands of pilgrims are expected to attend – but space is limited. To ensure that the Diocese of Metuchen is well-represented, we are pleased to announce that the diocese has purchased 100 tickets to next summer’s Congress. These packages include transportation to and from Indianapolis, as well as hotel accommodations.

More information on how to purchase tickets to next summer’s Congress will be forthcoming. In the meantime, anyone interested in learning more about the Congress, or about how to purchase tickets/travel packages, should contact Adam Carlisle, Secretary for Evangelization and Communication, at

2024 National Eucharistic Congress Pilgrimage Kick Off Special

Eucharistic Procession Through New York City

10th National Eucharistic Congress – Indianapolis, 2024

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage has publicly launched! The NEP will consist of four cross-country Eucharistic processions, collectively traversing the entire continental United States over a two-month period, beginning during the feast of Pentecost, May 17-19, 2024.

The pilgrimage is being organized by the National Eucharistic Revival campaign in conjunction with Modern Catholic Pilgrim, a Catholic nonprofit dedicated to deepening the faith across the country through pilgrimages. Along the way, the pilgrims will make stops in major US cities, churches, Catholic colleges, and holy sites. Parishes along the routes will host Mass, adoration, devotions, praise and workshop, lectures on the Eucharist, and more.

The Seton Route, which will begin in New Haven, Connecticut, will be passing through the Diocese of Metuchen on May 27-29, 2024. The four pilgrimage processions will ultimately converge in Indianapolis on July 16, 2024, to participate in the National Eucharistic Congress. Adam Carlisle, Secretary of Evangelization and Communication, will be helping to organize our diocese’s involvement.

If anyone is interested in assisting with this important event, please feel free to contact Adam at