Corpus Christi Procession

Add Sun, Jun 2 @ 3:00 PM

We invite all parishioners to join in our 2nd Annual Corpus Christi Procession which marks the closing of Phase 2 of the National Eucharistic Revival.

We need your help!

Can you volunteer to help carry the canopy that will cover Our Blessed Lord as we process along the route? If you would like to volunteer, please call the parish office and leave your name and phone number.

Can you donate flowers? We will need a lot of flower petals to strew before Jesus in the monstrance as we process and proclaim Him as our King in this very special and public manner. Flowers from your garden or from a store would be appreciated. Please bring flowers to the parish center any time on Fri, May 31 or Sat, Jun 1. Monetary donations are also welcome and may be placed in the collection basket.