Formation Ministries

Adult Confirmation Program

Members teach the basics of the Catholic Faith to adults (those of high school age and up) preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Contact: Bill Fennelly 732-754-4214

Baptism Preparation Classes - Pre-Jordan Team

Assists the clergy of the parish with Baptismal Classes. Team members prepare refreshments for those attending the class and offer a witness testimony about how the Catholic Faith and their active participation in “parish life” have affected their own lives.

Contact: Connie Cannata 732-968-5555


We are so happy to announce that our parish has purchased a subscription to FORMED, a premier online platform filled with over 4,000 Catholic titles, including hundreds of movies, documentaries, studies audio dramas, talks and e-books. All are professionally produced, engaging, and solid in its catechism. And best of all – this material is free to you! To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, just:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter our parish’s zip code: 08854
  3. Enter your name and your email address

You can enjoy FORMED on your phone, your computer or on your television with an inexpensive Roku device or Apple TV.

Contact: Sharon Strack 732-752-4979

Holy Eucharist Course for Adults

Contact: Scott Culver 732-968-5555

Junior Legion of Mary

The Junior Legion of Mary is an organization for the spiritual development of persons under 18 years of age. Each group, which is called a praesidium, is run under the supervision of a Senior Legion of Mary Praesidium and the guidance of a spiritual director, who is usually a priest or deacon. Primarily, the purpose is to train and spiritualize the young members. In a short time, they will take their place as lay apostles of Christ doing the work as Senior Legion of Mary members.

Each member must do at least one hour of work each week. This work is assigned at the weekly meeting which all members must attend. Our Junior Legion members are involved in the following types of apostolic works: Pilgrim Statue Visits; Choir; Serving Mass; visiting children in a hospital or in their homes; helping at home and at school with classmates; distribution of Miraculous Medals; and, inviting and bringing young children to Holy Mass.

The Junior Praesidium meets every Friday evening from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, in the Father McGivney Room on the lower level of the Parish Center. Two Senior Legion of Mary members are assigned to oversee these meetings.

Contact: Ming Estrada 732-261-1316

Legion of Mary

Contact: Kathy Skiba 732-885-9375


Members give support to those individuals in the process of entering the Catholic Church by teaching them the tenants of the Faith and sharing their own personal stories of conversion.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Contact: Bill Fennelly 732-754-4214
Rite of Christian Initiation of Children Contact: Jodie D'Angiolillo 732-968-5555 ext. 105

Youth Group (High School)

All High School teens are invited to join the parish High School Youth Group. Regular gatherings are held bi-monthly, every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month 6:00-8:00pm following the 5:00pm Mass.

Contact: Rochielle Guanlao 732-328-0787