For only $15 you can obtain a discount card that will pay for more than itself, saving you hundreds of dollars throughout the year at some of your favorite local restaurants and businesses.
The OLFC discount card is valid through Nov 8, 2025 and can be used over and over. There’s no limit to how often you can use it!
It is the easy and convenient way to save money! No need to carry Bucky discount books or Luz coupons. The size of a credit card it easily fits in your wallet or purse.
Get cards for each member of the family.
Give them to your coworkers and friends.
They make great stocking stuffers for Christmas and our great little gift for anyone who wants to save money.
All proceeds from the cards will go to the society of the little shepherds of Fatima to further promote devotion to the little shepherds and support the building of their shrine at our Lady of Fatima church.
Cards are available at the Parish Center or call 732-968-5555.