Part Two Section One The Sacramental Economy - Chapter 2 The Paschal Mystery in the Age of the Church


Where is the liturgy celebrated?

245. What are sacred buildings?

They are the houses of God, a symbol of the Church that lives in that place as well as of the heavenly Jerusalem. Above all they are places of prayer in which the Church celebrates the Eucharist and worships Christ who is truly present in the tabernacle.

246. What are the privileged places inside sacred buildings?

They are: the altar, the tabernacle, the place where the sacred Chrism and other holy oils are kept, the chair of the bishop (cathedra) or the chair of the priest, the ambo, the baptismal font, and the confessional.

Liturgical Diversity and the Unity of the Mystery

247. Why is the one Mystery of Christ celebrated by the Church according to various liturgical traditions?

The answer is that the unfathomable richness of the mystery of Christ cannot be exhausted by any single liturgical tradition. From the very beginning, therefore, this richness found expression among various peoples and cultures in ways that are characterized by a wonderful diversity and complementarity.

248. What is the criterion that assures unity in the midst of plurality?

It is fidelity to the Apostolic Tradition, that is, the communion in the faith and in the sacraments received from the apostles, a communion that is both signified and guaranteed by apostolic succession. The Church is Catholic and therefore can integrate into her unity all the authentic riches of cultures.